Gonna Be Alright

22. October 2019 Faith Walk 0
Gonna Be Alright
“Don’t worry about a thing. ‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright” My daughter has loved that Bob Marley song since she was very little. Her dad and I would often sing it to her. Sometimes for fun and sometimes to calm her crying or to sing her to sleep. No matter the situation, for ...

Beauty in Brokenness

Beauty in Brokenness
Over the five years of my daughter’s life, we have amassed an obscene number of toys. Her playroom often looks like three or four kids should live with us (seriously!). Toys of all shapes, sizes and forms. And she loves all of them. At times, a toy will become broken, and no matter how broken ...

Know You. Do You.

13. February 2018 Faith Walk 0
Know You. Do You.
I came to a shocking realization this week. Something precious to me had been lost. My identity–it was gone. Buried under titles, expectations, and assumptions. Its funny because even as I write this, I recall writing a blog post last year about going on a journey to “find myself” and yet, here I am again ...

Cloudy Days

30. January 2018 Faith Walk 0
Cloudy Days
It is scientifically proven that the sun and various types of light are healthy for our bodies. In fact, the lack of exposure to sun or light can cause physical deficiencies with side effects such as fatigue, lack of concentration, and weakness of the bones and muscles. It’s no wonder cloudy days are somewhat depressing ...

Duck. Duck. Goose.

Duck. Duck. Goose.
We all remember the childhood game known as “Duck, Duck, Goose”. Though designed to be innocent fun, it sometimes came with the slight feeling of anxiety as you sat cross-legged in a circle waiting to see who would be picked to be the  “goose.” Depending on who was doing the selecting, you could often predict who would ...

The Conflict with Comfort

The Conflict with Comfort
My head on a pillow and my body snuggled under a warm comforter, I was cozy as a swaddled infant. I basked in how comforting my bed felt as it hugged my body. While there in repose, I slowly began to realize nothing productive would be accomplished while I was laying here in relaxation. Despite ...

Patience in the Process

Patience in the Process
 I hardly consider myself a gardener. In fact, I often feel like a plant’s worst enemy having killed a fair share of them in my day. Yet, I still have Pinterest fueled dreams of gorgeous raised garden beds in my backyard. They’d be brimming with succulent homegrown vegetables and lush flowers in glittering jewel tones. ...

It will never be “Just Right”

08. October 2015 Faith Walk 3
Some of us spend our whole lives waiting on that right moment. We stand paralyzed, stuck in park, searching for just the right place, just the right time, just the right words, just the right moment. We chase the ever elusive feeling of perfection. We want everything to be just right before we make that ...