It will never be “Just Right”

08. October 2015 Faith Walk 3
Some of us spend our whole lives waiting on that right moment. We stand paralyzed, stuck in park, searching for just the right place, just the right time, just the right words, just the right moment. We chase the ever elusive feeling of perfection. We want everything to be just right before we make that ...

It ain’t what it looks like

It ain’t what it looks like
Have you ever heard the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree? Even if you haven’t, I can guarantee you have felt a similar way as Jesus at some point in your life. The basic premise is that Jesus thought something looked good from far off, but when he got to it…it just wasn’t what ...

Starting a blog is scary…

Starting a blog is scary, to be honest with you. Scary in part because it is opening up your life, your thoughts, your deepest and most intimate feelings to the many pixels and hardwired networks of the dark digital atmosphere. The Internet has both catapulted and buried many lives; leaving instant celebrities, tarnished reputations, mega ...