Hello Fall

Hello Fall
Hello Fall. Do you remember me?
I am one of your many admirers. I’m sure you can’t keep up with us all.
Is it any wonder there are so many of us? You bring so much to our lives.
From the glorious colors by which you paint the landscape around us, to the multitude of smells that make our stomachs growl and give memories of momma’s kitchen and family gatherings.
You give us life!
That sweet, gentle breeze. Family festivals and outdoor activities. Pumpkin patches. Cute, coordinated layers. And did I mention boots?!?!
Is it any wonder why I love you so much?
Your swag, your style, the way you swoop into our lives so smooth only to be quickly whisked away by jingle bells and holiday cheer.
Though our encounters are brief, they are always gentle and tender. Leaving me longing for you to come ’round my way again the next year.
You see, those others seasons all think they run the show.
Winter is that cousin that always makes you laugh, but no one really likes him. The one that eats all the food, takes home 2 plates, asks to borrow $20 and often stays far too long, wearing out his welcome!
And you know Summer thinks she’s all that. People always begging her to hurry up and come, and when she leaves, they cry wishing she could stay. I mean, she’s cool to be around sometimes, but mostly she makes us uncomfortable.
And Spring…well, she is a piece of work. So moody and temperamental. You never know what you will get when she shows up!
Fall, you are definitely the one! You captured my heart way back when my life was on the hardwood and my nose was in school books.
You carry so many wonderful memories.
In you is where I met my husband.
In you is where my angel was born, and in you is where holidays and vacation days are plentiful!
Yeah Fall, you da real MVP and I will love you FOREVER!
Welcome Back, Boo!

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