Cloudy Days

30. January 2018 Faith Walk 0
Cloudy Days

It is scientifically proven that the sun and various types of light are healthy for our bodies. In fact, the lack of exposure to sun or light can cause physical deficiencies with side effects such as fatigue, lack of concentration, and weakness of the bones and muscles. It’s no wonder cloudy days are somewhat depressing for a lot of people. Not only do they threaten to bring bad weather, but the ominous pillows cast a dreary haze over the world often times making it hard to see clearly.

Spiritually, we face cloudy days. There are times when we feel so far from The Light that our world seems dark and dreary.

Our mind is hazy and confusion causes grey tones to be cast over areas of our life. And just like cloudy days on earth sometimes come out of now where, the clouds in our mind happen at times when we least expect it.

Not all cloudy days are the same though. Some heavy, causing almost complete darkness, while others are mild and only somewhat dreary, still providing enough light to remind you that the sun is there somewhere. To me, the worst are the ones with the clouds slowly passing that continuously block and unblock the sun on a regular basis. It is so frustrating to feel the warmth and light one minute, only to be quickly erased and covered for a period of time and then quickly unveiled again. The inconsistency is maddening.

The funny thing about cloudy days is that even when you can’t see or feel the sun, it is still there! You sometimes hear someone ask “Where did the sun go?” and the correct answer is “Nowhere!” . Though we don’t feel the warmth or see the rays of light, we know that the mass of burning gas is still there, working its supernatural force, keeping our earth spinning and within its gravitational pull. Even though we don’t see it or feel it, it is there. It has to be. Without it our world would literally spin off uncontrollably into space and darkness.

Do you see where I am going with this yet?

The funny thing about life’s cloudy days is that even when you can’t see or feel the Son, He is always there! He is still working in your life, pulling you into the orbit of His love and grace. Keeping you grounded and steadily moving. His heavenly force pulling you in. Despite the clouds and the haze, the dreary thoughts and lack of clarity, God is still in His position on high. Still guiding you. The cloudy days are necessary at times, designed to strengthen and grow our faith. Teaching us to believe in what we can’t see. Even when the rays of light are blocked by our own lack of understanding, His mercy is still pouring down on us.

Know this—just as the clouds and rain pass on earth. So shall the cloudy days in your life pass by. The light will always shine through when we keep our hearts and minds stayed on His Word. Don’t let the clouds be a distraction or cause you to feel uncertain of the presence of The Light. It is still there. Always has been. Always will be.

For we live by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7

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