Starting a blog is scary…

Starting a blog is scary, to be honest with you. Scary in part because it is opening up your life, your thoughts, your deepest and most intimate feelings to the many pixels and hardwired networks of the dark digital atmosphere. The Internet has both catapulted and buried many lives; leaving instant celebrities, tarnished reputations, mega millionaires, and broken families in its wake. So why would anyone in their right mind willingly choose it as a place to publicly post their personal thoughts, feelings, and opinions?

Because God said so, that’s why.

And as crazy as that might sound, it is the truth.

Starting this blog is scary yes, because I am a very guarded person and I don’t openly let many people into the deepest recesses of my thoughts and heart. But what really chills me to the core is that God has called me to it, and for those of us that know Him and know how He operates; He doesn’t call us to something with small plans in mind. He also doesn’t call us to something that is soft cushy and comfortable for us to ease into. No, He stretches us, and pulls us and requires us to let go of any semblance of self-directed protection and safety, leaving us naked, vulnerable and trusting only in His guidance and direction.


So, why would He choose me? Why would he pull me from the simple, comfortable life of wife, motherhood, and work to take my spiritual journey to the megatropolis that is the Internet blogosphere? I can’t answer that. But after months of doubting myself, trying to reason with Him, offering alternative options, questioning what He was telling me, and wondering if my mind was playing a cruel joke on me, I am being obedient. While my obedience is coated in a slight film of reluctance, my desire for serving God and pleasing Him outweighs any doubt and uncertainty my mind can drum up.

So, here I am, and here we are. Starting this journey.

Where will this blog take us, I’m not sure.

My intention is that by sharing my story, my studies, my growth in faith, thoughts on ministry, and just general random ramblings, that I might inspire one of you, brighten your day, give you a light in your darkest of hours, and just provide you pure entertainment or help pass the time with some witty toilet reading (don’t wince, we all do it!).

Whether you are a current Jesus Freak (like me), a new Christian, a wavering believer, a staunch Atheist, or a lost soul who is unsure what to believe, I invite you to be a part of this exciting movement. God has a plan and a purpose, and I am excited to allow “my anointed mind” to be a vessel for His works.

Looking forward to this exciting journey. Hope you stick around for it! And feel free to share the things in your life God has led you to that you often felt doubts about, I would love to hear them! 

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