It will never be “Just Right”

08. October 2015 Faith Walk 3

Some of us spend our whole lives waiting on that right moment. We stand paralyzed, stuck in park, searching for just the right place, just the right time, just the right words, just the right moment. We chase the ever elusive feeling of perfection. We want everything to be just right before we make that next move. The problem is the human mind has its own understanding of what just right actually looks like. We think a just right moment is a peaceful atmosphere full of balance, harmonious relationships, and fat bank accounts. To us a just right moment feels good. A comfy cloud wrapped in a warm blanket.  Everything is in place, the sky is clear; not a storm cloud in sight, and our world is perfectly poised for a just right moment.

All too often, our perception of a just right moment conflicts with what God deems a just right moment. It is usually during the eye of the storm, with the walls crumbling around us, and chaos running rampant in our lives that God whispers in our hearts and tells us NOW is just right.

I once heard a pastor say “perfectionism is the root of procrastination.” How true that is! We use perfectionism as a crutch to mask our fear of the uncertain. As long as circumstances aren’t perfect or just right, there is no expectation of us to do anything. We can wallow in what appears to be less than ideal timing and drum up an avalanche of excuses why now is not a good time. But God tears away that fabricated shield of protection by pulling us into the circumstances that are farthest from perfect and then telling us to GO. To DO. To MOVE. Telling us now is just right. Even when everything around us points to disaster and confusion, God says I have orchestrated this just right. Do you trust him? Do you believe that even in the midst of hell in your life, you can believe in a just right moment?

See, God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what it will take to get us to move, to take that next step, to leave that job, or that abusive man, to start that business, to host that Bible study, to invest in that thing we have been waiting to invest in. Even though our minds tell us we need to have everything in perfect order before moving on to greatness, God tells us that instead of balance, we need to have complete faith and trust in Him in order to move on to greatness.

God’s timing isn’t about just right, His timing just is!

So what just right moment are you chasing? Are you waiting on just the right time to conceive a child, just the right time to start a business, just the right time to buy a house, just the right time to launch a ministry?

Don’t get stuck waiting on just right, or you might miss the timing of God. Look not for perfect circumstances or situations, but look to the one who orchestrates it all. Any and every moment is JUST RIGHT for trusting HIM.

3 thoughts on “It will never be “Just Right””

  • 1
    Monique on October 21, 2015 Reply

    That word is so relevant and true. I know that fear has kept me from moving when God was nudging and telling me that it was time. I have to remember that if God brings me to it he will give me the provision to bring me through it. Thanks for obeying God and posting this blog even though it may have felt like it wasn’t just right.

  • 2
    Janay Armstrong on October 19, 2015 Reply


  • 3
    Quantia on October 19, 2015 Reply

    Wow Jennelle. What an amazing word. If we could just grab a hold of this concept and know that sometimes perfect timing is when everything seems to be going wrong. If we take one step he’ll take two. Thanks for these words.

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