About Me

By landing on this page I am sure you expect to see a laundry list of accolades and accomplishments. Perhaps a list of books I have authored, a rambling of degrees or theological studies programs I have completed, a quick reference to my retail store or other business venture that will further paint an image of this perfect multifaceted woman with much success. Sorry, you won’t see any of that here, at least not yet. (Hope you’re not disappointed). Instead, you will find just little old me. A woman on a mission to serve God at all costs. So who am I really? Honestly, I’m no different from you…


By day, I am a marketing maven, by late night, I am a multiproject wiz, writer, and apparently now a blogger.


I am married to an amazing husband, and have THE MOST adorable daughter in the world (seriously the cuteness is unbearable sometimes)! Being a wife and a mommy are two of the hardest titles I have ever had to hold, and yet, they are the most rewarding blessings our Father could have ever given me.


My husband pastors a church in which we both work diligently. But beyond the church, I strive to serve God in anyway He directs me to, and currently that is what this blog is all about.


And incase somehow you have missed it, I am a total JESUS FREAK! I love God the Father with all my heart, and the blessing of His Son that He bestowed upon us to give us grace, mercy, and salvation. It is only by Him and through Him that I even have the words in my heart to share with you, so I don’t let a day go by without thanking and acknowledging Him. I hope you do too… or at least come to know Him, I guarantee it will change your life.

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